Thursday, December 07, 2006

General Observations

"Do you ever notice that....?"
--Andy Rooney

That the brightest, most articulate couples that you know are always the ones that can't have children or least have trouble conceiving them, whereas every trailer park family has six kids with collective I.Q. of about 70? And let me tell you, as someone who represented a fair number of these people, it ain't because they don't smoke and don't drink.

That the problem with cancer blogs is that your friends keep dying? It makes you think you're bad luck after a while.

That the font size of mail notices that say "IMPORTANT" or "DO NOT DISCARD" is in direct inverse proportion to their actual importance? The IRS never stamps that stuff on their notices.

That when you are behind some moron driving erractically they are invariably on a cell phone?

That when someone is talking too loud in a public place, the conversation is never interesting even though the person wants us all to hear it.

That the losers from your high school all ended up with good paying federal jobs. Unfortunately, they all ended up with the same job, working at the TSA screening for dangerous people like the 90 year old lady in the wheelchair (and 60 year old judges :-) ) and dangerous carryons like shampoo and toothpaste.

That customer service is an oxymoron? I have a Pioneer Airware unit (basically a portable XM unit) that cost probably $250-300 new. I enjoyed the unit but springs that hold on the back door sprung. After 1 1/2 hours on the phone, I was told that "It's not a warranty issue." I called the boss, had to leave a message, and he finally called me back a week later. This is for a part that costs $9.44 on their website (retail).

That people with those Bluetooth phones and headsets are some of the most self important people you will ever meet. I always walk up to them when they are in mid-conversation (of course it's always in public that they have these things) and ask them if they need help landing the Boeing 767. Well, not really, but it would be pretty funny, wouldn't it?

That people are now more shocked when people display common courtesy such as saying "please" and "thank you", open a door for them, or letting them pull in front of you in traffic, than they are by expletives. I guess common courtesy really isn't that common anymore. Maybe we all should see if we can shock a few people this holiday season.

Have a good weekend. Feel free to add your own "did you ever notice" in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

Did you ever notice that no matter what obstacles some people face in life, including life threatening ones, you just can't stop them from showing off their innate ability to be a smart ass?! Anyway they still make great travelling companions.

the uncle

Anonymous said...

Did you ever notice that smart asses all originate from cold weather states? Oh, well... most are relatives!

the other uncle

Anonymous said...

did you ever notice that some homelesss look better off than others? (I was asked for money by a guy with a gold braclet and a leather jacket. very strange.)

also, did you ever notice that when you don't need something, you know exactly where it is, but when you're pressed for time, it disappears? (lost my keys this weekend, found them LATE this morning...)
