Thursday, November 09, 2006

What the hell happened to me?

I went to Doctor's today for more tests. Tuesday, they took another X-Ray and all the white crap in the right lung was exactly as it had been the week before. I guess I'm done with chemo now.

Dr. Heddinger had referred me to Dr. Greg Hicklin a pulmonary specialist and a good guy. After reviewing the X-ray, he concluded that their definitely was some sort of viral thing going on, and possibly additional cancer, so we needed to swab the inside of the lungs. Apparently, excepting Dr. Hicklin, it is a requirement that all other other doctors and other employees in the pulmonary field have a surgical removal of their personality before they begin working in the field.

They decided to put me under and started taking samples of all the crap in my right lung. They blew air into the lung and apparently stirred up some shit because I started running a fever which reached as high as 103.8 before finally breaking earlier this morning. My throat hurts from the tube they stuck down there yesterday, and it hurts to talk. I'm on some new antibiotics so hopefully these do the trick or else I probably have pneumanitis and will have to have a three month course of steroids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the election, I've been wearing blue since Wednesday to match the state and the nation.There is certainly a better chance of moving the stem cell legislation now. How often did YOU vote?!

On steroids: if they go that route, put off your NFL drug test as long as you can.

the uncle