Thursday, March 01, 2007

Brief Reality Interlude

Going in for an MRI and meeting with the oncologist today. Have been experiencing numbness and tingling in both legs and headaches. It started in Ireland a little bit but I hoped it was due to the long plane rides and all of the walking we were doing on the trip, but has gotten worse since we got back. The headaches were really bad yesterday, too, but so far nothing today. I'll keep you updated on my medical status.


Anonymous said...

boo for reality - take me back to Ireland!! seriously, I'm hooked on this - best serial ever, as far as I'm concerned. Although, if we're doing a reality interlude, are you going to tell us your views on the Hall of Fame vote?

Hang in there Dogface.


Tom Clarke said...

Do I hear another whiny Cubs fan bitching about how Ron Santo didn't get in? He didn't get in because he was occassionally the best and usually the 2nd or 3rd best player on a bunch of also ran teams.