Friday, March 09, 2007

Good News I guess. . .

(Or at least not bad news)

"No news is good news." James Howell, Familiar Letters, June 3, 1640

Well, all of the scans determined that I don't have any cancerous growth on the spine, which is good news, I guess. It is doesn't solve the problem of what is causing the numbness in my legs and feet, though. I still have a couple of new brain mets that popped up on the follow up scan to my stereotactic radiation that I had on March 1. I'm waiting for the "RADMAN" (as his vanity plate states) to consult with the neurologist and see what's causing the numbness and headaches. No tales from Ireland today. Maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hope you find a cause for the numbness soon. Maybe this [lack of] news means it can be treated!?

Tough one for the hawks today... At least they don't have to play the Buckeyes.


Anonymous said...

Good news Tom. As for numbness, I've been feeling like I am walking on stumps which is, I think, a side effect of chemotherapy - numbness in extremeties.

I've heard B6 and B12 can help. I also suspect i am just flaccid and out of shape.

One other thing, has anyone mentioned Tarceva? It has relatively minor side effects (if you consider acne and diarrhea minor).

all my best,

Anonymous said...

I always thought it was "no gnus are good gnus" ...or have I just been warped by dad? Relieved to hear the non-news, but hoping you can get the symptoms taken care of nevertheless!

see you soon,

Lori Miller said...

I am glad there are no tumors on the spine. You don't need any addition pain anywhere. I hear that bone pain is the worst but I also think headaches are the worst. Topping my list would probably be terminal cancer.

RADMAN? I have to admit I would definatey laugh if I saw his car on the road... not in a funny haha way but more like you are joking? right?

Will be looking for those results.