Monday, March 05, 2007

Reality Interlude, Part II

I've got an appointment for an MRI tomorrow night. Dr. McGinnis thinks it may be metastatic cancer to the spine causing the numbness and tingling in my legs. Because of the previous radiation to the lungs, if there is cancer high up on the spine, there will be nothing they can do. A wheelchair will be in my near future. Pray for me.


Anonymous said...

How bad is the numbness and tingling? Mine turned out to be nothing really, it could be lots of different things. Wishing all the best.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tommy,

We're hoping that Aaron's experience is the same for you and we're definitely praying a lot every day. Take care.

Love your narrative of the Irish trip, but sorry Kinsale didn't turn out. Can't wait to hear the next part of the journey.

Much love,

Aunt Carole and Uncle Pat

Anonymous said...

You have two little angels (Sophie is 4 1/2 and Lily is 2) who pray for daddy's friend Tom every night.
Remember, you have a lot of people on your side.

Anonymous said...

Remember my email? Anyway, Tom, you have my regular prayers as well.
God bless you,

amanda said...

you're in my thoughts, tom. you always are.
