Thursday, October 05, 2006

Things to be Thankful For

After my rant the other day, it occurred to me that I probably sound like an ingrate because a people have done a ton of nice things for me as detailed below. I am sure I've left out a number of people and things, but at the risk of offending the people I've inevitably left out, here goes nothing:

I am thankful for my wife Melissa whose incredible inner strength has allowed me to make it through 68 radiation treatments and a bunch of chemo treaments . I could never make it without you, Hon. I promise the next decade will be better. :-)

I am thankful for my two boys for being respectful, polite and helping out when we need them to.

Thanks to Bandstra, Bellus, Carpenter, and Dinkin for getting me out to lunch/beer once in a while.

Thanks to my parents for watching the kids when Melissa and I can't find a sitter. Thanks to my mother in law Shirley, for the same.

Thanks to Megan for the same and for calling me every once in a while.

Thanks to the Halseys, Jacquez's, Dornackers, Carpenter's, and Bellus' just for being good friends.

Thanks for everyone that gave us food and/or gift certificates when I was going through radiation. It helps a lot.

To Mom and Dad for not offerring advice on medical decisions and for pointing out that although the average lifespan of a lung cancer patient may be 12-18 months from diagnosis, the Clarkes have always been above average in everything.

To Blake and Kathy for offering to let us stay at their home every time we're in Chicago.

To people at the City who donated sick/vacation time to me and who still include me in their lunch plans.

To everyone who has helped cart our kids around.

I know that I've omitted numerous people and the things they have done.

Thank you.

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